‘To be the best place to buy, you must be the best place to work.’
Any business owner will know that their company is only as good as their employees. Employers who value their people will generate people who value their customers.
In light of mental health awareness, and with 137.3 million working days lost due to sickness or injury in the UK in 2016, there has never been a better time to invest in employee health and well-being. Happy, healthy and valued employees means longer employee retention, less absences due to work related illnesses, as well as overall increased business productivity.
Regular sessions can be offered onsite at your workplace and at a time to suit for optimum convenience, (I.e before work, during lunch breaks, or after work).
A small investment in yoga sessions can result in a long term investment to the health of your staff and the success of your business. Having worked in corporate life myself, I understand the needs and requirements of a business owner as well as an employee.
Get in touch to discuss adding yoga as one of your employee perks. I can offer Corporate Team Building events, or regular yoga and meditation sessions in the workplace.
Demonstrates Corporate Social Responsibility & genuine investment in employee health.
Demonstrates value & appreciation of employees.
Reduce common physical & mental illnesses & therefore absence in the workplace.
Boosts productivity & time management.
Employees are healthier, happier & more productive in the workplace.
Boosts overall business morale, productivity & profitability.
Natural & long term solution to current issues in the workplace.
No possible negative affects.
Convenient & accessible for all.